Terminbuchung Escape-Events.de - Live Room Escape Games in Frankfurt am Main
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Here you can book your adventure!
You can book online up to 24 hours before the date.
In case you want to book spontaneously, you can call us at 069-202 816 16 or 01525-388 33 03.
Special appointments are possible: just ask!
If you want to take part in our challenges in English, please tell us.
2 participants at 35,- € each 70,- €
3 participants 31,- € 93,- €
4 participants 27,- € 108,- €
5 participants 24,- € 120,- €
6 participants 22,- € 132,- €
7+ participants 21,- € 147,- €
All challenges are designed for a maximum of 7-8 people.
If you want to play in a bigger group, you can book a Versus Challenge and compete against each other.
Just contact us and we'll help you in your booking of bigger challenges.
In our Escape Center you can play in groups of up to 30 people simultaneously.
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Frankfurt am Main